covid-19 Family sick

Three Years In

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. emmaclaire

    Bummer that the ‘vid caught up with you, Lisa, even after all your diligence. That seems to be the way it goes. My husband’s sister was in town for shoulder replacement surgery a few weeks ago at Harborview. Thankfully she was pretty out of it and in pain afterwards, so he left without doing much besides waving from the doorway (masked, of course), because, sure enough, she tested positive the next day. He escaped unscathed this time, but who knows what might be lurking around the corner. Hope all of you are healthy and back on your feet soon!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no! I hope it was mild. Did she get it at the hospital? I read that one of the reasons the hospitals are dropping mask mandates is because they don’t want to be liable for people getting covid there. Sigh.

  2. Vickie

    How are things?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Feeling better. It took awhile!

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