Week 20
Had our 20 week ultrasound. Baby girl was running, kicking, punching, doing somersaults. Most of the photos ended up blurry as a result. LOL Foreshadowing? Ultrasound results came back all normal and my placenta has moved! Yay!!! Huge relief. Also, the round ligament pain has been particularly bad this week!
Week 21
Feeling ok. Low back aches. Cold symptoms (but Logan had a cold this week, too). Baby moves a lot but not consistently. I haven’t figured out her pattern yet. I’ve also been kind of an emotional wreck this week. Irritable, angry, sad, weepy. No idea why!
Week 22
Had my OB appointment, heard the heart beat, talked about the upcoming weeks–the gestational diabetes test, vaccines, filling out paperwork for delivery. It wasn’t a super exciting appointment. Overall I am feeling ok, other than the back pain.
Week 23
Most of my symptoms: heartburn, insomnia, low back aches. Went to the chiropractor last week with the ok from my doctor and it kind of helped.
Logan got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine this weekend and it was a HUGE relief. For him, for me and the baby…what an amazing thing.
Week 24
I miss sushi, wine, kombucha and goat cheese. I wouldn’t mind a turkey sandwich, either….After swimming I put my feet and my legs in the hot tub and it felt magnificent…I really miss hot baths and hot tubs!
Lately I’ve been having some mild swelling. It’s not very noticeable but I’d say by the end of the day my feet and legs are pretty sore and tired. I am now wearing my compression socks for some relief a little bit each day, usually in the evenings.
Week 25
I had a physical therapy appointment and an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist–which I recommend every woman talking to! I got some exercises post partum after Logan that helped a lot. This time she reviewed some of the exercises I was doing with my regular PT and said a few of them were not good for me to do right now. She agreed that I had some round ligament issues and that I might have some mild Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction and gave me a few other alternatives to the exercises I was doing to prevent that issue. It’s pretty mild–it’s only maybe once or twice a week that I have discomfort (usually walking). It’s hard for me to tell what triggers it because it’s a delayed issue. So it’s not like I can say “Oh I did squats and then it hurt”.
I am glad I met with her and I have two follow up appointments scheduled to check in on the exercises and then I will meet with her after I have the baby to get postpartum exercises. I think these types of PT appointments should be a mandatory part of postpartum checkups and I am just shocked that more women don’t get it. It’s so important!
Week 26
Got a very strong nesting urge this week. I can’t explain why. I didn’t really get it until the third trimester with Logan!
I went through all of our bins of baby stuff in the basement. I sorted things that were Logan’s that we could reuse, donated things we couldn’t. Cleaned crib sheets and blankets and organized them in the baby area. Michael and Logan put the crib together. I organized a bunch of stuff. I have been on a roll!
Week 27
Had my OB appointment. It was a quick one. Listened to the heartbeat. Discussed the Braxton Hicks contractions I’ve been having (a lot) but doc wasn’t too worried. She did say that sometimes pregnant women can have asymptomatic UTIs which can cause contractions so we did a UA to test for that. The sharp pain I’ve been having in my lower side/grown area is the round ligament pain, again. Heard baby’s heartbeat. My BP was 108/57. Pretty uneventful week.
Glad things are going well. I am trying to remember your due date – ?
Lisa Eirene