calories Dinner food lunch Portland Portland Restaurants swimming

“This Is Why You’re Fat”

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Alan (Pounds Off Playoff)

    OMG on that salad. And what really scares me is how many of those types of things I ate (finished) before starting a life of disciplined eating.

    I love quesadillas! And you really can make them healthier, yet still tasty, with some smart substitutions at home.

  2. hundredtenpounds

    Alan, me too. In “the old days” I would have eaten the whole salad.

    Quesadillas are easy to make healthy, too.

  3. Lisa (bakebikeblog)

    oooh I love nachos – and try to make them healthier at home by adding lots of beans / veggies and using natural yoghurt!

  4. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    I love bar foods. My favorite of all time is probably nachos (like Lisa) and I do make them at home from time to time, but I also love spinach and artichoke dip which I’ve never tried healthifying.

  5. Kassi

    Wow that salad is ridiculous! I love reading your posts about restaurants because I’m a portlander, too! One trick I have learned over the years is to order the dressing on the side — that way you can portion out what you’re going to eat and it will keep fine the next day 🙂

    I love to get hummus and pita (especially from the McMenamins pubs. I know it’s not good for you but man it’s so tasty and warm… mmm)

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Hey! Fellow Portlander! I was just telling my boyfriend last night that I should make another website just about Portland Restaurants and which ones have bad service. 😉 I like McMenamin’s a lot and yes, dressing on the side is a good trick. I usually never use all of the dressing when I do that.
      Thanks for checking out my blog. 🙂 -Lisa

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