I’m pretty sure my boyfriend hates that time of the month.
Nope, not THAT time. It’s the one time of the month that I weigh myself. I’ve been doing the once a month step on the scale for about 3 or 4 years now. I had to limit it because I was getting a little too obsessed with whatever that number was and I let it ruin my whole day. It could have been +1 pound (probably water retention) but I still let it totally deflate me. It wasn’t a healthy cycle to get into and since I was pretty much maintaining (within 2-3 pounds both ways), I didn’t NEED to get on the scale every week. In fact, I found that my weight always leveled out and remained the same when I let the hormonal flux each week even out on it’s own. Weighing once a month meant I never saw that 3 pound boost of pre-hormonal water retention. It was like it never happened!
Weighing in once a month took away that obsession with the scale. Or at least, for 3 weeks of the month. Having a set time and day that I weigh each months means that I can check in with myself, catch any slip-ups that might mean I need to reign in the food, and it’s consistent. I was between 143-145 for nearly 4 years.
So why does Michael hate that time of the month? The day (and let’s be honest, sometimes the day before I weigh in) I see that number STILL fills me with anxiety. I anticipate it–“I have to weigh myself this Thursday.” UGH. It’s only Monday but I see that day coming quickly and I start to dread it. I feel like a whiny kid that doesn’t want to do their chores. I just don’t WANNA! But I have to. It’s my check-in.
Depending on what that number is, it can still ruin whatever good body image feelings I’ve been having. I cannot tell you how many times I’m thinking “I feel really good about my body today!” And then I see the number on the scale and that feeling is gone. Replaced with disappointment, sometimes sadness, sometimes self-loathing…but only if I don’t catch myself quickly enough to stop the negative spiral of thoughts. Poor Michael. He has to deal with me throwing a mini temper tantrum in the bathroom if I don’t like that number. He says the same thing every time I don’t like that number: “You’re fine. You haven’t gained weight. It’s water/it’s muscle” etc etc. I appreciate that he says that, but honestly I hate that he feels like he has to and half the time I don’t hear him anyway. I’m stuck in my own thoughts.
For the most part this isn’t an issue. It’s not an every month kind of thing. Just lately. I was doing really well for a long time and when I stopped basically all the cardio I was doing in March of this year (knees again), I started to see my weight go up a little bit. It wasn’t hitting the danger zone yet, but it wasn’t making me happy.
Yet I was seeing such awesome results in the gym! My shoulders were sculpted. My biceps were bigger, my triceps were more toned and slender. I felt like my core strength had increased and I was almost up to a minute doing a plank (honestly, I get bored after awhile and quit instead of keeping the pose to see how far I can go). I saw a picture of myself recently in my cycling jersey and thought, “Wow, my waist looks really slender and my stomach is smaller.” AND my pants are still fitting. I haven’t felt like I’ve grown out of the sizes I’ve worn for 5 years.
Why, then, do I let myself get so bent out of shape about that stupid number that I see once a month? Sadly, this is probably something I will always struggle with. But I’m working on focusing on the positives (my clothes fit, I like how I feel, etc) and not focusing on the negatives.
Can you focus on how you feel and not how you look (or how much you weigh)?
Oh my, Lisa this totally sings my tune. After many, many, attempts to get my health in top shape, including losing some extra weight I decided to get back on myfitnesspal and have my focus only be about food choices. I told myself to stay off the scale for a month to start. I started back July 28th and decided to get on the scale September 2nd (my birthday). I have been tempted to get on the scale because I have been doing well making better choices but I told myself getting on the scale after vowing not to was breaking a commitment to myself and that seems to be my problem. I have spent the past few weeks asking how each meal makes me feel. How is my energy? Am I bloated? I am not seeing a physical difference but I feel great. I also recently read something like “Don’t lose weight to get healthy; healthy bodies lose weight.” My goal is now focusing on health and I know the weight will eventually come off.
Lisa Eirene
Oh wow, I love that. “Healthy bodies lose weight.” That’s a great way to look at it.
It’s our cross to bear….as women…as Formally Larger People. I’m not sure it ever ends. I’m back in reduction mode and I can already tell my day “feels” better since I’m seeing a loss every day (sometimes it’s just .2, but still…and it’s only been 5 days). It’s that reassurance that what I’m doing is working and, more importantly, that I’m in control. It’s just what we do. I’m just sorry it causes you so much angst every month.
Lisa Eirene
I agree, I’m sure it will never “end” really either.
Lisa – you sound like the perfect person to ditch the scale all together. It doesn’t seem like something you need now and gives you an issue enough to warrant not using it anymore. I say go for that 😀
Lisa Eirene
Have you thought about doing that Lori?
Lisa, I love that quote too- “healthy bodies lose weight” because if you get yourself healthy you will lose weight but losing weight doesn’t necessarily make you healthy.
Lisa Eirene
It’s so true. Good reminder!
ahh and it has only grown more challenging here with age.
Lisa Eirene
Oh joy! 🙂
Unfortunately, I’m right there with you. I weigh once a week but I used to do the every day thing too. It is a total mind game. I would feel good about my body, see the number, and stat the doubting. On the flip side, if I don’t weigh, I don’t keep myself accountable. I know many men and women who use the how their clothes fit only method and I wish I could. Just can’t get there yet.
Lisa Eirene
I can’t get there yet either!
Suzanne @WorkoutNirvana
Lisa I know this is a struggle. I admire you for continuing to fight off the scale’s effect on your body image. That slender waist and definition is most likely from changing your body composition and WEIGHTS! So nice job sticking to your program 🙂
Lisa Eirene
I appreciate what your weight lifting programs have done for me! I am itching to get back at it as soon as vacation is over!
Sing it, sister! I have recently put on a kilo (2 pounds) and while that doesn’t sound like much to a sane person, to me it is huge and it’s been getting to me. My poor fiance keeps telling me that I look fine, nothing to worry about, etc. I just keep thinking 1 kilo will turn into 10! And I just got my (very fitting and size 8 (US4)) wedding dress so I’m stressing that it won’t fit if I put on any weight at all.
I’m not exercising as much (it’s winter and the fiance is so much nicer than the squat rack) and I didn’t adjust my calories so I think that is where the extra kilo came from. I hope now that I’ve identified the problem I can get rid of the extra weight. Annoying how a number can cause so much stress!
P.S thanks for reading my vent. You understand, I’m sure 😀
Lisa Eirene
Oh I understand your vent! I hear ya! I have a feeling trying on the dress will be a very hard pill to swallow. I think you are doing okay, though, you are aware of your weight and trying not to let it get out of control!!