bike ride Cycling Portland

Portlandia…I’m On a Bike

Portlandia…I’m On a Bike

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    I haven’t seen the show but I’ve heard about it – – I’ll have to watch it! Looks hysterical.

  2. Carbzilla

    Of course we think the show’s hilarious! We do have some Portland friends who are not finding the humor, but whatever. Did I tell you how excited Chris was that Sam Adams was following him on Twitter after some Portlandia comments? Lol – it totally made his day.

    I’ll be sad when the show’s over.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yeah I have some friends who are like “it’s not funny.” Um YEAH it is! I follow Mayor Sam Adams on Twitter too and we’ve chatted before. It’s pretty funny.

  3. Kristina @ spabettie

    …and the hazelnuts, are they local?? the Colin the Chicken skit was so dang funny! Jason and I are always saying now “sorry for interrupting, but I had the exact same question”.

    three of my friends are in the “Dream of the 90’s” video. more of my Portland friends have tattoos – full sleeves – than do not… and the put a bird on it and call it art?? that is SO true. look in ANY store on Hawthorne!!


    fun post!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s too cool that you’re friends got picked for the video! Is it the big burly biker guy in short shorts and a leather jacket? 😉

      I have a wallet with a bird on it. 😉

  4. Merinda

    I was born in Portland, but then raised first in Minnesota then in a town in Western Washington (probably too far out to be considered a suburb of Seattle). I left home at 18 and still consider Washington ‘where I’m from’ even if I’ve only been back twice in, uh almost 15 years. If I had my druthers I’d move back there.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Whenever I go home to Seattle for a visit I think about moving back….but I doubt I will.

  5. Eva

    I was seriously skeptical when I first heard about the show… then I saw some of it. Completely addicted now! It is So. Funny. They’ve really got our number.

    The best bit of the chicken sketch is “I drove too slow on the way over here, didn’t I?” Heeee

    I hadn’t read the “watch more tv” post before, but I just followed your link at the top. It’s excellent! Absolutely the best excuse to get a bike trainer! I watch 1–2 episodes of Bones while spinning at high RPM/low resistance on mine, and although it gets tiring I’m always glad I did it. The tv keeps my brain firing when otherwise all I’d be thinking about is finishing my workout.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      OMG Oregonian drivers! Don’t get me started….

      That’s cool that you watch tv on your bike trainer too. It’s such an easy way to get in exercise!

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