All week my body hurt. It felt like pins and needles were stabbing my lower extremities at all times. It felt like my skin was on fire and it hurt to walk. I was feeling so down with this NEW mysterious pain. Like what the hell?
Well last night I realized what it was. I’d been taking a prescription NSAID’s (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) for the last 3 weeks because of that weird ankle pain I had. I finally read what the side effects of the drugs were. Side Effects: Edema (swelling), skin irritation, itchy skin, fluid retention, swelling of the face, feet, or lower legs. Yes! Yes! All of those! I finally noticed last night how swollen my lower legs and feet were. THAT’S why it hurt to walk! Damn.
I decided not to take them anymore and hopefully the NSAID’s get out of my system asap!
QUESTION: Have you ever experienced something like this with medications?
On a much better note, I baked lots and lots of cookies Thursday night.
I’m having some girlfriends over this weekend to decorate cookies so Operation Cookie Baking commenced!
I turned on some mood music–no it wasn’t Christmas music. I love this band:
The first batch was a learning experience. I realized the cookies would grow twice the size of the cut-out (DUH, right?).
Confession: I haven’t made sugar cookies since I was a little kid. I remember doing it with my mom at Christmas time but honestly I’ve never done it as an adult.
It was so much fun and I felt like Susie Homemaker.
I had a bunch of different Christmas shapes. Something else I realized: the cookies often don’t look like the cut-out after they bake. Or is it just me? Weird…
I probably made about 75 cookies last night.
It was so much fun. Saturday I will be baking even more cookies.
After baking for a few hours I took a bath with Lavender Epsom salts (and that’s where I realized my legs and feet were swollen). It was a great night.
QUESTION: Have you done any holiday baking this year? What has been your favorite recipe?
Oh man! MMMMM… Cookies! 🙂 the NSAID’s I am HIGHLY allergic…. LOL.. Benadryl helps to get it out of your system quicker. Sorry you’ve been having such trouble! I am truly inspired by you, love your blog!
Lisa Eirene
Thanks for the tip! I will try the Benadryl tonight. It knocks me out so I can’t take it during the day. 🙂
How do you cook and not binge? I don’t even celebrate Christmas (we are Chanukah people) and I found myself baking sugar cookies and then bingeing on them….ugh.
Lisa Eirene
Part of the equation was that I needed ALL of the cookie dough because I have to make so many cookies for the party. I couldn’t spare any extra! But if I didn’t have to worry about that, I’d eat too many of them….
Let me know how the frosting works out! The recipe I gave you (powdered sugar, lemon juice or water, cream of tartar) is good to apply in a thin coating to make sprinkles stick or to pipe on for outlines or gingerbread faces. It dries nicely but its not something you want to put on thick like buttercream (I think most boxes of powdered sugar have a buttercream recipe – powdered sugar, butter, milk).
Here’s my cookie post if you haven’t seen it:
Lisa Eirene
Thanks again for the recipe! Trying the frosting tonight. Will let you know.