Sometimes it feels like when you’re a runner you are part of a tribe. When you are injured, it can be just as emotionally painful as the injury is physically to not be a part of that tribe anymore. When I was REALLY into running,...
Tag: running hunger
bike competition bike ride body image calories Counting Calories Cycling emotional eating fitness food food habits food mistakes healthy snacks How to Lose Weight hunger hunger cues Intuitive Eating limiting calories Losing weight meat pool portion sizes portions Positive Body Image relationship with exercise relationship with food running scale snacking snacks staying motivated steak Stress Eating swimming training trigger foods weight gain weight loss workout fuel
Hunger Cues
posted by: Lisa Eirene
April 5, 2011
What are hunger cues? How often do you eat out of habit? How often do you eat out of boredom? How often do you CONTINUE eating even though you recognize that you’re not hungry, or you’re eating out of boredom? One of the big things...