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The Arrival Fallacy

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Food-Fitness-FreshAir

    You are so inspiring! It’s wonderful that you lost all that weight in such a healthy way, both for the mind and body. I think small goals are definitely key because they get people to stick with a routine. Plus, it’s nice to view small steps as big accomplishments because they really are rewarding!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      You are so right. I was really overwhelmed with the idea of “100 pounds”. But 50 was “doable” to me. 🙂 -Lisa

  2. Kelly

    Such an awesome post! My mom used to always tell me not to be one of those people who says, “I’ll be happy when…” She cautioned to always be happy now because there will always be another “when.”

  3. Kelly

    oh…I am totally tweeting this post!

  4. Heather

    this is a great post! i’m totally in a place where i’m trying to understand that the arrival fallacy is just that – a fallacy! i swear, i’ve had so many reminders of that this week…thank you so much for posting about it!

  5. Kady @ Livin, Lovin, Learnin

    Thanks for the comment on my blog hun! I LOVE this post! You have an incredible story. I want to read this book, because I often get caught up in wishing my life away – doing the “I’ll be happy when” thing. But I’ve noticed that the times I’ve been happiest have been completely unplanned and unexpected. I always set goals for myself, but I do often feel disappointed when I reach them because it’s the journey that makes me happy, not the destination :).

    1. hundredtenpounds

      @ Kady, I’m with you! The spontaneous, unplanned stuff has often been the happiest for me, too. 🙂 -Lisa

  6. hundredtenpounds

    Wow! I’m glad everyone likes this post! (Thanks Kelly!) I do that too many times… “I’ll be happy when…I’m 140 pounds…when I’m in a relationship….when I’m married…..” etc etc etc

  7. Morgan @ Healthy Happy Place

    this post really hit home for me!! I worry that if I go back to school and graduate as a physical therapist…what next? will I truly be happy with my choice, or am I fantasizing about what could be?

    1. hundredtenpounds

      It’s a battle between avoiding “grass is greener” syndrome and “never dream” syndrome… -Lisa

  8. Chad Pavliska

    First, what an accomplishment you’ve made. Congrats!

    Yes, this year I am setting more specific goals and writing about them too.

    What has bugged me about accomplishing goals in the past is that my behavior reverted back to “normal” shortly after the goal was reached.

    Much like you and your new 5K goal I’ve decided that successful people are always looking forward to what is next and continually moving the bar higher. It’s the journey not the destination.

    Keep up the good work, Lisa.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      @Chad, I think last year I sort of fell back into my old habits too. After I reached my goal I was really floundering! -Lisa

  9. slovie64

    I’ll have to pick up this book! It looks as if it parallels what I am trying to do this year (I call mine project 180°) which is basically turn in all around. That includes a 100 lb weight loss, but I’m only concentrating on 10 lbs at a time.

    It’s good to see it can be done!

  10. Sarah

    Congrats on all your accomplishments 🙂

    I love setting goals. It keeps me motivated working hard in every aspect of life. I even have relaxation goals because I don’t allow myself down time unless I schedule it!!

  11. Fi

    Smaller goals are definitely better! Although sometimes I get so carried away planning and plotting that it takes me forever to get around to starting, lol.
    Thanks for posting about the book, I’ve been looking for something new to read and that sounds perfect 😀

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  13. Marie T Smith

    My HUGE goal was 212 pounds. I’m at 131 now… but I have been doing 50 lbs like you… so, I’m almost done with my 3rd 50, then on to the last 50, then from there. I also have mini goals thrown in… I’m approaching my “year anniversary” since I’ve started my weightloss journey on March 19th… so I’m trying for 150 lbs by then… that’s 19 from now… so little things like that… it keeps me focused and always gives me something to shoot for. I do much better with goals.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I do better with goals to focus on as well. Congrats on approaching your “anniversary”!

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