bike competition bike ride Cycling Hood to Coast Michael Rattlesnake Ridge Reach the Beach running

Sharing Fitness with the Love of Your Life

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Jenn

    Unfortunately, Steve and I have become complacent and sedintary. We talk about riding our bikes (sadly, I think mine may be too big for me) but the only exercise we get together is walking or occasional tennis. He used to be a big tennis player when we were in high school, but I think he’s lost interest. We get our own exercise separately and when I mention that we should swim together or whatever, we are gung-ho about it and then quickly lose momentum.
    I’ve always been interested in snowshoeing, especially when I worked at an outdoor recreation center at an Air Force base. But I was afraid my lack of stamina (and how slow I walk) would hold people back. But I think it would be fun!
    So things we would love to work on: Exercising together AND motivation. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      If you and Steve are up for it, you should go snowshoeing with us this winter. Renting them is super cheap ($12?) and Michael’s SVU can get us up to Mt. Hood. There are places to do it that aren’t too steep.

      1. Jenn

        That would be so much fun! I think Steve would totally be down for that. I’m hoping that our slow fitness routine picks up and I build up my wimpy stamina. (I also got a lecture from my PT that I need to increase my upper body strength!)

        But yes! I think we’d enjoy that, thank you 🙂

  2. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    The only thing my SO likes to do besides work is sit on the couch and watch TV. 😛 It sucks.

  3. Sara

    I really like this post! My boyfriend and I also have differences with exercise. Nick doesn’t like to run even though he’s built like a gazelle so sometimes I get sad he won’t practice for runs or do races with me but like you said, you find something you both like. For me and Nick it’s rock climbing and sometimes a little bit of skiing (we both kind of suck *lol*). Climbing is great because you build trust, you get to do some strength training, and when you climb outdoors there is generally at least a small hike to the site which is even more exercise. Oh and not to mention it’s fun 😛

    Maybe one day he’ll run another race with me or something but like you mentioned in your post, it’s about what you both like and maybe trying new things together.

    🙂 If there was a LIKE button on this I’d press it!


    1. Lisa Eirene

      Climbing sounds like a great “team” effort! What a good suggestion! Not for me, because I’m not a fan of heights lol but other should do this!

  4. Becky

    My husband will go on evening walks with me, but he is on such an advanced level of fitness that he gets bored training with me. I’m too slow for him! We do enjoy hiking together, however. It is something we can do at the same pace and is always rewarding.

  5. Dustin | Fit Marriage

    Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story! There is absolutely something extra special about completing a physical triumph alongside the one you love most in the world.

    That’s a central theme that we’re trying to spread through Fit Marriage. Thanks for the link!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Sure! I loved the article. 🙂

  6. Carbzilla

    This is such a great post and excellent timing because I was going to ask you if Michael every got jealous of your gym time (but then that seemed kinda personal).

    Now that I’m not working I try to get my workouts in during the day so we have together time at night, but it doesn’t always work that way. We do walk the dog together, and we get out on the weekends but not as much as we’d like to or should.

    Like any part of a relationship, it’s work. It sounds like you guys have figured out a good balance.

    Hooray for snowshoes! We love ours!

  7. Lisa (bakebikeblog)

    What a wonderful post! Mr BBB and I both like biking, and he will run with me on occasion – 🙂

  8. Lori (Finding Radiance)

    I love to bike with my husband! He actually got started running because of me, but he is much faster than me now, so we really can’t run together.

    I love the long rides we take, though, and getting to spend the day together is wonderful!

  9. Jess @ NZ Girl Runs

    Hi Lisa,

    I saw this on the dailyspark and thought you might find it useful!

    10 tricep exercises. Maybe there is something in there that you can add to your routine?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you! I will check them out!

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