When this article came through my RSS Feed, I was immediately intrigued by the concept. The article defines both as:
You’re a moderator if you…
— find that occasional indulgence heightens your pleasure – and strengthens your resolve
— get panicky at the thought of “never” getting or doing somethingYou’re an abstainer if you…
— have trouble stopping something once you’ve started
— aren’t tempted by things that you’ve decided are off-limits
For me, I think I’m a combination of both. For the most part I am a Moderator.
I eat good food in moderation. I drink wine, I treat myself to dessert once in awhile, I splurge on high calorie things like guacamole or pizza. But I eat those things in moderation and I don’t do it every day.
I also balance it with consistent, daily exercise.
To be honest with you, though, for the 2 years I was trying to lose 100 pounds I was definitely an Abstainer.
I was a Food Addict. Specifically a Sugar Addict. When I decided it was time to get healthy and lose the weight, I purged my house of all temptations. I stopped buying things like desserts, snacks, treats. I stocked my freezer with Lean Cuisines.
I ate a pretty strict, low calorie diet for two years. I did not trust myself to have treats in the house–so I did not have them around.
I did not trust myself to make good choices at restaurants–so I didn’t go out.
I didn’t think I could stop at one drink at happy hour and I refused to drink my calories–so I stopped drinking alcohol completely.
I had trigger foods that I could not eat in moderation, like pizza–so I did not eat pizza for 2 years.
I did not deviate my food plan or my calorie counting. Obsessive? Perhaps. But it worked. I like to think of it as Determined.
It taught me how to eat portions. It changed my metabolism and shrunk my stomach so I didn’t WANT to over-eat. I learned how to make better choices. Once I learned these things, I was able to reintroduce certain foods and eat them in moderation.
Once I lost the weight, I thought I could go back to eating some of the things I stopped eating. I quickly realized that I’m the type of person that needs to be accountable–even if it’s just to myself. I keep track of my calories and exercise in my iPhone. It’s second nature to me and I rarely even think about it, I just do it.
Completely denying myself of all treats just sets me up to fail. I try to eat in moderation now and if I “slip up” it’s not the end of the world.
QUESTION: Are you a Moderator or an Abstainer?
Lisa @ I'm an Okie
I’m definitely a moderator, although I used to be an abstainer. I used to be scared of eating something in fear I’d go overboard. Now that ive given myself mental permission to eat it, I usually dont go overboard and just enjoy it from time to time.
Lisa Eirene
That’s a great way to put it. I was scared I’d go overboard too.
Kristina @ spabettie
great article!
I am a moderator… I cannot be an abstainer or whatever craving just gets bigger, THEN I would go nuts.
Moderating really does help me enjoy an indulgence now and then… in moderation!
Moderator! However, I definitely know some of the items that I just can’t stop once I start and I don’t keep those around. So, I guess I am a combination!
Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin
I’m a combination of the two like you… If I put something off limits, I definitely do get tempted by it, but I also have trouble stopping once I get started with certain things. I do find that occasional indulgences are necessary and help to keep me on track. Great article!
Lisa (bakebikeblog)
I think I would have to be a moderator!
Lori (Finding Radiance)
I am both. Some things I just do better abstaining from (mini reeses cups). Other things I am better if I let myself have them periodically.
Yeah, I think I’m a combo. Definitely could be a little more determined right now.
Sometimes I just have food plan amnesia and eat as if I’ve never had a weight problem. I can usually get away with it for a couple of days until the scale bounces up and then I’m like, “Oh yeah, I need to be watching it.”
Lisa Eirene
LOL Food amnesia…I had that for a few months. I packed on 15 pounds.
Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun
I’m definitely a moderator now. I think my previous tendency was more towards abstainer, but in a negative way where it was more about depriving myself. Now, I’m all about moderation, but the abstainer side still peeks out now and again.
Lisa Eirene
Tina-I think I fall into that category too. When I was an abstainer to lose the weight at first, it was a positive thing. Then it got a little obsessive and negative. Now I need that balance.
I can relate to you, a combo of both. I’ll splurge a bit on the weekend, but all week long I’m a nazi about my health/fitness.
Interesting post, and I must say, that pic of the sundae looks GOOD!@
Lisa Eirene
All I can say is that I am really glad there’s no ice cream in the house.
In every weight loss attempts I have done up until now, I was a moderator. This time around, I’m definitely an abstainer and that’s why I know it’s going to work this time. I actually covered this yesterday in my blog (that wasn’t a shameless plug I promise!) because someone said that I shouldn’t deprive myself of foods I want but my concern is that if I give an inch it will become a foot and then I’m back to square one. Since I’ve started, I have also avoided trigger foods because it is dangerous. I think if you are worried about losing out on eating something, you just have to give it time and eventually you will just stop caring about the importance of missing out and you focus on the goal. Great blog.
At this moment I’m a Abstainer to help me loose weight. Pizza is also a big no-no to me so I’m avoiding that completely.
The Worst Weight Loss Advice » 110 Pounds and Counting
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