Christmas covid-19 Family Holidays Oregon swimming

Celebrating and Lockdown

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Marianne

    Love the cake! So sad that you all have to do another lockdown. The cases are just rising at an alarming pace. Our governor probably wonโ€™t announce a lockdown. Here in Florida he wants everything open and telling everyone to come on down to Florida. People just need to wear their mask. We also cancelled Thanksgiving.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you!
      I am sorry about Florida. It’s a shame that ALL states won’t just shut down. Even if it’s for 2 or 3 weeks, it could help SO much. Hospitals everywhere are full. It’s super scary!

  2. Vickie

    What a beautiful cake!

    I have ended up with two totally unexpected surgeries this year. (More unexpected than the virus actually.)

    March, sinus surgery, the day before we shut down here. My husband started working from home, then, still is. My youngest finished college spring semester from home. My middleโ€™s move out of state was postponed, so she was still here and working. (So at least I had help.)

    Youngest did get to move back to her college town for her summer engineering coop and fall semester.

    Fast forward to October, rotator cuff surgery. Now in week 8 of recovery, with a long way to go.

    And my (adult) kids are all in the process of moving home.

    Our middle one is still here, has been working this whole time. My youngest will move home this weekend and be here until at least middle of January (assuming they go back for spring semester). My oldest and his wife are in limbo, both working remotely, were getting ready to get married and move out of their state when this all hit. So everything in storage, they have been in her hometown for a few months, and they are coming here in December until they move (indefinitely).

    We never downsized. Still in 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. Thank goodness!

    I too have been stocking up. And someone gave me a freezer which I have packed to the top.

    I got all my routine medical stuff done in July and August when our numbers were better, thank goodness. I now go to PT at 7am Monday when almost no one is there and it was closed all weekend, which feels safer.

    We had some outside renovation work done this summer too. And I did massive gardening all summer. So between that and surgery recoveries, my year has progressed.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am sorry to hear about all of that! It’s a lot of stuff. I am glad your kids are happy you still have room for them, even if downsizing was something you really wanted to do. I am thankfully that we have a large enough house now that the three of us can have our own “space” if we need it. Our last house was very small and it would have been VERY hard in lockdown.

      I feel so bad for everyone that had to cancel their weddings, or are having other big life events that they can’t celebrate with loved ones. ๐Ÿ™

      I am jealous of your freezer. That was something we considered getting!!

      1. Vickie

        It is a small chest freezer. Perfect size to store extras without going overboard. I had a chest freezer that was twice the size and got rid of it (not realizing of course) two summers ago. But honestly, I prefer the smaller one. I keep mostly frozen veggies in it.

        1. Vickie

          Yes, we had a cancelled wedding. But no one was very upset about it in the end. And they will put $$$ toward house if they ever get to settle down somewhere. Even the limbo is not bothering them very much. They saw her family, will quarantine/test and then see us. We have not seen them in almost a year. And they are saving a massive amount of $$$ in rent too.

          1. Lisa Eirene

            That’s so sad, but yes they are saving a ton of money! They could get married now and wait a year or so and then throw a party…

        2. Lisa Eirene

          That’s what we are looking for, a small freezer for meat basically.

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