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Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Detje bea

    I love reading your blog. All the food looks delicious. I can just imagine Logan clapping his hands with all that paint.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      He got paint across the room!

  2. emmaclaire

    That fingerpainting looks like so much fun! What a neat experience for Logan…well, not neat in the cleanliness sense LOL And all your great food pics have got me salivating at my desk! Sounds like a busy, fun weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks! The food turned out really well.

  3. Vickie

    We have done โ€œartโ€ in the bath tub more than once.

    I also keep a couple of those hard plastic kiddie pools for all kinds of things. Used to use them for play areas (no water, just contain the stuff) for kids. Now I use them with a few inches of water for the dogs. Throw in sink and float dog toys and they have a great time.

    I have noticed โ€œbig boy bedโ€ in your pictures. How did that move go?

    And I don’t think I have seen a pacifier in a while, how did that go?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      My mom told me that when my brother and I were little she made paint (her own recipe) for the bathtub and we used to paint in there and then take a bath. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Both the big boy bed and binkie went great! He loved his big boy bed and we haven’t had any issues. As for the binkie, we went cold turkey and he had a hard time for a day or so and every once in awhile he’ll ask about the binkie but he moved on from that really quickly, too. I am so glad it wasn’t a battle!

  4. Vickie

    Can you write out both couscous and slaw like a recipe so I can send it to one of my daughters please? (My baby. She is almost 21, chem engineering major, three roommates, one is from Japan. And they like to cook, but like simple).

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I will ask my friend for her slaw recipe.
      As for the couscous, it was this one:
      I mixed in diced green onions, dried cranberries & chopped almonds

      1. Lisa Eirene

        Here is the recipe she used:

        She didn’t use mayo, I think she did a vinaigrette instead with the ingredients

  5. Vickie

    My middle (24) daughter just reminded me – I put birdseed and sand toys in a kiddie pool and they played for weeks and then we used it to fill the bird feeders. I think in the garage. She says I timed it with winter. And we did it for years.

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