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New Year’s Day 2018

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Vickie

    Duct tape. Can hold on mittens, cover zippers so they can’t unzip, etc. I know someone who went thru a spell of duct taping the diapers so toddler could not take them off in bed.

    Another option is mittens sewn to strap that connects both mittens and runs down sleeves. So you put the mittens on, the strap runs across their back and then you put their coat on. Non stretchy cord that is just long enough and prevents taking them off.

    We have also had toddler mittens that went nearly to the elbow under a coat and toddler could not get them off.

    1. Vickie

      Actually the person who duct taped the diapers – the next step was to duct tape the diapers, put pj’s on backwards and duct tape the zipper. Poop. Wall. Every day.

    2. Lisa Eirene

      Haha! Great idea! I might try that.

  2. Ingunn

    So beautiful! Heh, even though my oldest is over 3 now, I still need to remind myself to check my expectations for outings like these…oh kids, so wonderful yet so frustrating… ;^)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Well and every day and experience is different. Sometimes we’d go for hikes and he’d do great. Then other times he wouldn’t want to do it all and hate the carrier, fuss, etc. You just can’t tell what mood the toddler is going to be in…sheesh.

      We are supposed to go again in a few weeks. I really hope it goes better!

  3. Alleigh (@ A Glass After Work)

    While it sounds like it didn’t go quite as planned, at least you got out there for a little bit and have a better idea what to expect next time. From the pictures it looks beautiful and like a good time. Happy New Year!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Exactly! This was basically a practice run to see how it went.
      It was a gorgeous day out, so it was just nice being up on the mountain.

  4. Sue

    Lisa –

    Check out We used to get these for our son when he was little. They go on the outside of the coat and at least to the elbow if not over it.

    Great for when he gets older and plays outside too. No “snow-burn” on the wrists from snow sneaking in between the mittens and coat.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you for the tips! I will look.

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