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Easter Bunny

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Kelly @ Finding a Skinnier Me

    That little boy is a cutie! Also, I love finding really good sushi food and that looks amazing. Making me want sushi now lol 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It was good sushi! I will definitely go back.

  2. Candace

    Bella is so adorable! I love seeing pictures of her.

    I’m so glad you guys didn’t end up at Pok Pok, that place makes me so angry! The one and only time we went, we left starving! The wings were good (salty) but the other food was so sub-par with tiny portions for the money. The service was rude. We had a long wait even though it was before the dinner rush, and you could see inside that it wasn’t busy. So we fell for their trick of having you wait at the bar down the street (same owners) and buy drinks while waiting for a table. I think it gets good reviews because people think they “should” like it. Sorry to use your post for my bitching. I just hate that place!

    On a less vent-y note, I enjoy it when you feature local restaurants on your blog, we don’t eat out that much, but I’ve often referred to your site to find a place that looks good, I trust your reviews.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Rant away, I totally get it. If I have bad service and a bad experience I won’t go back, no matter how popular a place is. I’ve been to Pok Pok once and had a good experience. I remember the food being good but it’s been a few years. I hate when there is a long line. I just won’t wait for that. So in that regard, Pok Pok better be freakin’ amazing if it’s a 2 hour wait!

      I’m glad you enjoy the reviews! There are so many new restaurants (especially on Division) that we haven’t tried. We haven’t been going out to eat as much as we used to.

  3. Fran

    Bella is too cute with her ears, so adorable.

    That is a really huge ham!

    Glad to read you had a great Easter weekend.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      She’s kind of tortured but a good sport. 🙂

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