If you saw last Friday’s post, you read that I had some bad luck. The good news is that it all got resolved. Bella is healing up nicely and by Sunday afternoon I think she was going stir-crazy. She started running laps in the yard (with her booties on). Her paws are healing up and she’s not limping anymore, so that’s good.
I’m just glad she’s feeling better. I hate it when she’s hurt. I feel so helpless. In other news, my car was fixed and covered under warranty so I just had to pay the $50 deductible. This is the first car I’ve ever had a warranty on (and honestly it’s the first issue I’ve had with the car needing to be fixed since I got it 5 years ago) so it was a nice surprise not having to pay an arm and a leg!
Unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky with Michael’s car. Long story short, check out our new ride:
Subaru Outback! We’ve been talking about getting one for a few years now and almost bought one a few years ago (thankfully we didn’t because Michael got laid off a few months later). It was time. Michael’s car was too expensive to fix when it broke down and we needed something reliable. While I’m not unhappy that we have a new car, it came at the worst possible time. We’d planned on waiting until after the wedding/honeymoon to get it. The Universe decided differently!
In other news, I went back to The Warrior Room. I think the last time I was there was the beginning-ish of March. I ran out of my classes that I bought and decided to wait a bit to re-up. Besides, it’s good to rotate your workouts and change things up. Ashley generously gifted me some free classes as a wedding gift! YAY!
I went to the Kettlebell Endurance class Tuesday night. It was SO GOOD TO BE BACK! I forgot how much I missed going there. My friend Debby joined me, too. The Kettlebell Endurance class seemed to be a morph of the conditioning (training) class and the fundamental (boot camp) class. I was glad I’d worked on the kettlebell swings at the gym on my own because I picked it right back up.
There were a lot of plank jumps, squat jumps, burpees, v-ups, hill sprints outside, and various kettlebell swings (the snatch, high pull, etc). We also had to go outside and walk around the block holding two kettlebells above our head. It’s a lot harder than you think it would be!
Nice! So glad to be back! Class finished up and I stretched and then headed home. Biofreeze, compression tights, a hot bath with epsom salts and protein for dinner! I knew I was going to be really sore. Dinner was steak with bleu cheese, brussels sprouts and quinoa. I was famished.
Wednesday I woke up surprisingly NOT sore. That doesn’t bode well. I think that means I will be crippled on Thursday and Friday this week…Anyways, glad to be back at the Warrior Room and hoping I see some improvement in my strength. I’ve kind of slacked on the weight lifting as I’ve been amping up the running. Stay tuned!
Deb Roby
We don’t have kettlebells in my gym (for the general public to use The trainers have access to some). But I walk around the gym carrying weight plates in various positions (farmer’s, suitcase, chest, overhead). That double over head is HARD. And to do that around a whole block?
Glad Bella is better… I saw the video of her running around.
Lisa Eirene
Yep! Holding both kettle bells over head. Sometimes for two blocks. SO HARD!
Yes, Bella is doing much better. I bought an Amazon Local deal for Wag.com and got her some new toys. They came last night and she was having a ball playing with them. I’m glad she’s healing.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero
Glad Bella is doing a bit better and that you got the car situation all figured out with a beautiful new baby.
Lisa Eirene
It is a gorgeous car!
Glad to hear that Bella is on the mend! Sorry you had to buy the car before you planned to, but it looks really lovely!
Lisa Eirene
Yeah, I was more than a little annoyed about the whole car thing but it IS a great car!
Sweet new ride! Seems like things never break at a good time.
Lisa Eirene
They never do! It’s always at the worst time.
Yay for Bella healing up nicely! You guys are going to love the Subaru!
Lisa Eirene
I think we might take a mini road trip this weekend to test it out!
Yikes! I can relate. We have JUST gotten back from our wedding/honeymoon, saving for a house and some huge dental bills and my phone gets stolen. By a 5 year old that I teach (can’t prove a thing though!). I love my new iphone but wasn’t pleased about the way I got it!
Lisa Eirene
Oh no! That’s awful. Isn’t it frustrating when that happens??
Lisa Eirene
She’s pretty much back to normal, racing around like a crazy puppy!