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No Candy Edict

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. emmaclaire

    Great job on reining in the creeping bad habits. It’s funny how they do just sneak up on us, isn’t it? I’m at that same point and wondering how did cookies every day suddenly become an okay thing to do? My jeans tell me it’s not a good idea, I’ll tell you that! Wine on weekends, cookies on weekdays, portions at dinner, I just have to pay attention to what’s going in my mouth. Here’s wishing us both the satisfaction of watching the scales go down over the next weeks/months!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I like that–how did cookies every day become ok? I am asking myself the same thing. When did that habit creep back into the routine? And how do I change that?

  2. Carrie @ Season It Already!

    While I don’t think dessert is my downfall, I can still relate very well to this right now!

    When I studied in France, my host parents offered dessert after every dinner. Sometimes it was two (small) scoops of ice cream, but more often than not, it was a piece of fruit or yogurt. A pastry or baked good as dessert was only for special occasions.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      What a great story and a healthy concept! You are so right!

  3. Beth

    I try and limit wine to either Friday night or Saturday night but not both — and I try very hard not to have it during the week. This weekend I had it both nights! We didn’t have plans Saturday night when I made the decision to have it on Friday – and then things changed! And the wine was flowing big time on Saturday but I definitely stopped with wine still in my glass and switched over to decaf. It’s the hardest to do in the summertime I think!! It’s like every night is Saturday in the summer.

    Good luck!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      For a long time I had the same rule–Friday and Saturday nights were the nights I’d have wine and it was usually one glass.

  4. Andrea@WellnessNotes

    I bet just writing this post made you feel better and it also made what you have to do more “real” even though you knew all along… We all let some bad habit creep back in at times…

    I have always been an emotional eater. I’ve been maintaining a 50+ pound loss (with some little gains and losses over the years) for a long time now, and it’s amazing how easily bad habits can creep back in, especially when things get stressful. I always try to be extra mindful when there is a lot of stress, but I still sometimes catch myself doing something I shouldn’t be doing…

    I stopped drinking alcohol in January 2013 when I did a food-based cleanse and had maybe 5 or 6 drinks total in 2013. I don’t miss it, and I much prefer to eat some chocolate once in a while versus having a glass of wine (which I still do have on a very special occasion). And I also always have to watch my portions because I gained most of the weight in the first place by eating healthy foods but just way too much of it…

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m with you, I usually don’t miss it after I stop drinking. I went 2 years while I was losing my 100 pounds and stopped drinking. I just didn’t want the liquid calories. Like you I’d rather have chocolate!

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