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Because You Want to or You Have To?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Lori

    Once I figured out what exercise I liked – I do it because I love it. I can’t wait to get out on my bike – and I certainly also enjoy eating the food burning all those calories brings πŸ˜€

    1. Lisa Eirene

      GOOD point! Finding out what you like is sometimes half the battle.

  2. Biz

    It’s hard for me to get back on the bandwagon once I take a few days off, but once I do, I feel glad that I did work out. I’ve never ended a workout and said “that was a waste of time!”

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Truth. I rarely say “I wish I hadn’t worked out.”

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    I wish I craved exercise….but I’ve never got to that point. I do it because I have to, and if I find an activity I like, its not a chore, but some days…ug….it’s BRUTAL to get there. Once I’m there and done I’m fine…

    1. Lisa Eirene

      There are a lot of things I struggle to find motivation for. I hear ya.

  4. Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

    I definitely work out because I want to. I love it. I love the sweat, the movement, and the challenge. I like feeling strong and confident . . . and also I like the social aspects of it. I enjoy going to a gym and the friends that I have there.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I like that. I love the challenge too. Pushing myself, succeeding…it’s intoxicating!

  5. Lisa

    I go to the gym because I have to but I leave happy that I went. It helps going around the same time every day. Although you may not know anyone at the gym, you recognize the regulars at your time. I feel some accountability to the regulars, strange as that sounds.

    Something that I’ve noticed in the past year is that my good days are the ones where I’ve exercised. I have young children and I think I need my gym time to work out my frustrations and think.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      “I go to the gym because I have to but I leave happy that I went.” <---I like this! I agree. Yes, I don't KNOW the regulars but I recognize them because they are there when I am. At some point I should probably be friendly and say hi but...I'm too focused on working out. LOL Glad you found a stress-reliever.

  6. Matt @ The Athlete's Plate

    Both for me πŸ™‚ Depends on the day!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You know, sometimes I have those days. Last night was one of those days.

  7. K @ Finding a skinnier me

    Most days I choose exercises I love doing so I will want to do it. But some days I am tired, cranky, had a long day at work and that because I have to keeps me from just going home crawling into PJ’s and eating all the chocolate I can find.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      THOSE days are hard to resist!

  8. Diane, fit to the finish

    I used to workout because I felt like I had to. Now it really is because I want to. When I can’t because of weather or injury, I honestly miss it. I love the poll idea – I’m going to copy that!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You should! The poll was really easy to create and I love seeing everyone’s votes.

  9. I ❀ 2 Eat

    Great post, Lisa! I’m not surprised that most people voted on “A Little Of Both”. I know I enjoy working out a lot, especially when I see results, but I definitely have to work out to keep myself mentally and physically able to tackle everyday stresses, and for weight management. It’s a lifestyle change to be able to motivate yourself to work out on a regular basis, and although it’s not something I want to do every day – Fridays, for example, I really don’t want to work out after a long day’s work – it’s something that will need to be a part of my life for the rest of it!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      True! Fridays are usually my swim or yoga nights because by the end of the week I’m feeling tired and not up for much. Those activities help me relax.

  10. Nick Goodall

    It’s interesting, I’ve never thought of working out as ‘having to’. I guess when I’m feeling groggy and I ‘have to’, it’s because in the long run I want to, so I don’t think of it in terms of a chore – for me it’s freedom.

    I love all those reasons to work out (that image in the middle), have a wonderful day Lisa!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes, with running it never felt like a chore for me. It felt like a challenge and a chance to run “Free” outside!

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