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A Peach of a Century, Part 1

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you! Yes, it was a beautiful place for the long ride. Very scenic.

  1. Lori

    Yay for the ride! That scenery looks a lot like it does around here 😀 With clothing, dress like you would if it was 20 degrees warmer than it actually is. Then you will be comfortable after about 15 minutes of riding and get warmed up.

    I love dried pineapple and dates for fuel during our long rides. Prior to (or for lunch) will be carbs and protein.

    Nice they provided you with such a nice spread!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great tip regarding the clothes! I will remember that next time. I do warm up pretty quickly. I wish I’d left my cold weather clothes in the car and just suffered for 10 miles til I warmed up.

      The dried apricots work pretty well. I will look for dried pineapple too. That sounds good.

  2. Biz

    Gorgeous scenery!! I think my longest bike ride outside was about 10 miles – half a bagel with peanut butter worked great! Great job!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Bagels are pretty much the perfect food. They are so good on long rides!

  3. Jenna

    What an amazing ride!!!! Looks so beautiful and like so much fun!!! What a treck though! You’re a warrior, my dear! Keep up the amazing work! Spa love!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you for the SPA love, Jenna! It was most definitely a trek but I felt so good doing it!

  4. Ragemichelle

    These pictures are just incredible!!!

  5. E

    Have you tried leg warmers? They make full length ones and capri length ones that you can tuck under you bike shorts and pull off when you get hot. They’re really nice since you don’t need a private place to change if you’re suddenly dying of heat.

    I just moved in with some friends in the West HIlls and have been commuting on bike to school… omg. They live on the 2nd biggest hill in the city and it is no joke! i feel like I get better everyday, though.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I don’t have leg warmers. Honestly, this was the first time where leg warmers would have been nice. When I commute to work, I wear cold weather gear in the morning, then warm weather on the way home. It’s never been an issue before. And of the cycling events I’ve done, they were all in the height of summer where it wasn’t cold! I think this was a fluke. But I do want some leg warmers just to have.

      The West Hills are no joke. Those hills are crazy!

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