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Cheesy Kale Chips

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Esther

    I think that subbing grapeseed oil for olive oil would work, you just wouldn’t have the olive-y flavor overpowering it.

    I have mixed feelings about kale chips, and kale in general. Maybe I just need to cook it more!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      The first time I ever had kale was on a chicken dish I had a restaurant. It was probably cooked in fat (yum) and had bacon in it. It wasn’t cooked very much so it was kind of leathery. I had mixed feelings but it tasted pretty good. It took some getting used to but then I loved it. And the stuff we have in our garden is great.

  2. Jennifer

    Thanks for sharing this recipe!! My in-laws planted a ton of kale for me this year in their garden. They have over an acre’s worth of garden they plant each year and after begging a little and explaining what kale was they planted a TON! Can’t wait to try this recipe out when I get my weekly share 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s fantastic that you have access to fresh veggies! It’s like having your own CSA. The recipe is really good. I’m already thinking of other seasonings to try.

      1. Jennifer

        ha! Yes it’s EXACTLY like having my own CSA! Problem is that I get soooo many different veggies there isn’t enough time or appetite to prepare it all!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          I bet! That’s one of the reasons I haven’t done a CSA. I eat a lot of vegetables but I don’t know that I could be very creative with the ones I can’t identify!

  3. Carbzilla

    For what it’s worth, I do think the Lacinato (Dinosaur) kale makes the best kale chips. It’s usually a little more substantial and has more surface area. Now that I think about it, I don’t use the broiler at all when I make kale chips. So addictive – yum.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I will look for those. I’ve seen some at Trader Joe’s but they never appealed to me. Now that I’ve made my own I love them!

  4. Caron

    I love kale chips. I always use grapeseed oil and a sprinkle of Cajun seasoning. I put them in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes and they are usually perfect. If not another minute is ok too. I have not graduated to a kale only salad but I’ve started mixing it half and half with romaine for salads and it is very tasty.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Your way sounds delicious! I will definitely try the cajun seasoning next time and the lower temperatures.

  5. Miz

    I think youve done it.
    youve found the way my HUSBAND MIGHT EAT the kale chips!!!

  6. Sharon

    Hi Lisa, Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog. Otherwise, I might not have found yours! I’ve read some of your back posts and will enjoy spending more time doing that, hopefully in chronological order if I can navigate my way back to the its beginning. As I approach maintenance, I’ve been actively searching for new blogs specifically written by maintainers as I think that will be a huge source of encouragement for me. I’ve been at this place before and am well aware that the hard work is just beginning! Thanks again for your comment on my blog. Looking forward to “knowing” you better. Sharon

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for checking out my site, Sharon. I think it’s great that you are close to your goal weight and seeing maintenance in your future. I hope you can find some helpful things on my blog!

  7. Mary @ Fit and Fed

    Can you believe I’m a blogger, and yet, I have not yet made the ubiquitous kale chips? Though if I had kale in my garden, like you, I surely would have. The nutritional yeast (or nutri-yeast as we call it around here) is a nice touch. I love nutri-yeast and tamari on popcorn, have had it that way since my college vegetarian co-op days.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You and me both. Last week’s attempt was the first time I’d even eaten them, let alone made them! It was quite enjoyable and I see more chips in my future. My boyfriend’s mom gave me another recipe to try that uses cayenne pepper. Mmm!

      What is tamari?

  8. Tracy

    I swear, I really want to like Kale chips. I. Just. Can’t. There, I said it. I love kale in my nutribullet.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      They are not for everyone but these are pretty damn good!

      1. Tracy

        Love your page and story! 🙂

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