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New Year’s Eve Dinner

New Year’s Eve Dinner

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. kalin

    I’ve never made a ham! But I do love the holiday sales on ham-so cheap and I love fried ham for breakfast, or diced ham in split pea soup.

    For new years…. I drank too much. And told Josh he looked like Zach Galifinanakis. (turns out that isn’t a compliment! even if you’re dressed up for a costume party! whoops!)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      This was my first time. I never attempted it because it seemed hard and really involved. It really wasn’t! It was a lot easier. I loved the flavor too.

      Yeah……..I think that’s a funny statement but I can see where Josh might frown on that resemblance. 😉

  2. Jane at

    I make a ham every NYE, but without the brown sugar. I use the sugar free maple syrup. Yum. We had people over this year and they devoured it. yours looks quite tasty! I love brussel sprouts and probably have every recipe using them. I cannot believe that I hated them most of my life.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s funny, I’d never even HAD brussel sprouts as a kid. I don’t know why. We just never ate them when I was growing up. The first time I’d ever had them was about three years ago when Michael took me to a nice restaurant and my steak came with sprouts. I had no idea if I even liked them. They were just “okay” but nothing I wanted to have again. It wasn’t until recently when I had some pretty exceptional brussel sprouts that I decided I loved them!

  3. Deb

    I made my first ham for Christmas this year and it turned out great. I think I saw you post about being worried about messing it up on Twitter… lol. Now you know how easy it is!

    Sounds like you guys had a great NYE!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yeah I was worried!! Something that big could go terribly wrong…..but it turned out really great!

  4. Lisa

    I have cooked 5 or 6 hams, but not eaten any of them! A mom’s club I was a member of gave them to new moms, and I was in charge of getting them to the new moms. Everyone said they were delicious and many said they had never cooked a ham, but cooking hams isn’t too hard. I bought the spiral cut versions that come with the seasoning packet of brown sugar and the spices attached. All you had to do was add water to the seasoning packet, cook the sauce for a few minutes then slather it on the ham and bake it in the oven. I prefer pineapple and mustard, like you did yours, along with the brown sugar and spices. I’ve also seen people slather them with Heinz 57 sauce and cook them.
    My husband doesn’t like ham 🙁 so it is a treat I enjoy away from home. It’s too bad since we are now living in the current pork capital of the US!

    Your meal sounds absolutely delicious!! Were you able to claim victory in the intense Scrabble game??

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s great that you gave hams to new moms! What a fantastic idea. I will have to keep that in mind.

      You know, I hated ham my entire life (but loved bacon) until a few years ago. My friend made the honey baked ham with pineapples and cherries and I had one bite and was converted. So glad too!

      Nope, I did not win but it was a close game. 🙂

  5. Roz@weightingfor50

    I laughed at you playing with the cat and the camera while Michael made his scrabble move. Know what?? In our house, I’d be the one staring at the board while my husband would be playing with OUR cat and camera. Too funny!!! $5 for a great wine??? Our wine here is Canada is hit with a zillion taxes….I’m envious of your vino bargains!! Have a wonderful Friday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That is hilarious!!! We rarely play real scrabble because Michael AGONIZES over each move. It’s hard enough playing Words with Friends with him. 😛

  6. Ashley

    That ham doesn’t look horrifying, it looks amazing! I made a ham for our first Easter together using my friend’s dad’s OJ-balsamic glaze. Deee-lici-ous!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I would love your recipe, Ashley!

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