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My [Horse’s] Fitness Plan

My [Horse’s] Fitness Plan

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Cee Cee

    Thank you for sharing your story. As a kid I used to go to horse camp every summer. I LOVED it. It’s one of my happiest of memories from my childhood. I never thought about this being a way to work out too. 🙂 Have a good day!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Hi Ceecee–I’m glad you liked Sara’s post. I thought it was something different, which is what I liked about it. I was happy she shared it with me! :)–Lisa

    2. Sara

      Thanks so much! Horses are so fun and it takes more than people think to actually stay on 😉

  2. Annie B

    Hi Sara,
    This was fun to read. I liked the videos too. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Glad you liked it Annie B! Check out Sara’s blog for more. 🙂

    2. Sara

      Thanks so much! One day I hope to ride like those professionals 😉

  3. Lisa

    I love how you compare eventing to triathalons for people. It truly is! I loved reading about your fitness plan for Smash. What I loved the most though was your whole paragraph about life being unpredictable and how that relates to your riding and training. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the world doesn’t revolve around my horse! 🙂

    1. Sara

      Wait? The world doesn’t revolve around horses and the barn??? crap. 😉 Yeah it’s hard to separate reality with the horse world and most of my friends get sick of me talking about Smash but…c’est la vie 😉 If only they knew how much fun it was to smell like horse and pamper a 1200lb animal who probably doesn’t even realize how good they have it half of the time 😛

  4. Mascha

    Oh I really liked this post. I am a horsebackrider myself, I do not do eventing, but I do long distance rides with my Hispano-Arabian horse.

    And it is so very very important to train the horse as well as the rider. You don’t do your horse a favour, if you sit on his/her back like a bag of flour, because you lost your power after some minutes…

    I love your plan(s). Go ahead!

    Warm Regards
    Mascha from Germany (

  5. Sennett Tzinberg

    It is a great place and really thanks to you Sara for this nice post. I am genuinely inspired to your horse’s fitness plan. I am also professional horse riders. This post is really inspiring to me who have taken the training of horse riding. Thanks for sharing this valuable article……

  6. Horse Riding Camps for Kids

    I am invigorated to your horse’s fitness plan.I am also taking a training horse riding. It’s a great experience of my life.Thanks for sharing this valuable article…….

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