I got a great comment from Jill recently:
“Over the past 6 years I have lost 80 pounds. I am struggling with the dreaded “last 10″. Due to a surgery and an injury I have not been able to exercise for the past 15 weeks. While I was doing all this sitting- I started a blog. I never knew that blogging could be so therapeutic. The community out here is so loving and supportive. I don’t feel so alone anymore. Thank you for being so honest(and funny) about your journey. I look forward to following your story and getting inspiration from you!!! Thank you!”
The fitblog community is definitely a good one! It’s a place to find support from other people going through the same struggles. Finding friends on Twitter and other blogs is a great way to find camaraderie. I’ve seen so many people on Twitter say something like “I need help getting motivated to do ____ (go to weight watchers, go for a run, go to the gym, etc)” and then that person is flooded with support. I think that’s awesome! Sometimes all you need is that little extra push from someone.
When I was 250 pounds I never knew that this community existed. I really wish I had. I wish I had known about the weight loss blog world. I think it would have helped me a lot and it might have given me good ideas on how to lose weight. Instead, I kind of muddled through it all by myself.
This is not to say that I didn’t have support. I had tons of support from most of my friends, my family, coworkers. I had a solid support system of people who encouraged my weight loss efforts, congratulated my progress and celebrated my successes.
The people that were not supportive, went by the wayside. I had no room for them in my life.
The ones that were supportive and awesome have stuck around! True friends! The risk was worth the reward! I’ve also met some great people through blogging! Some are internet buddies and some I’ve met in person and really enjoy spending time with!
Why it takes a village to lose weight: SUPPORT! Having support from friends and family keeps us on track in the day to day drudgery. Sometimes it’s hard to stay consistent in good habits but with people cheering you on, it’s easier. Working out is so much more fun when you do it with a partner. It doesn’t necessarily need to be working out in a gym–it could be hikes and walks in the sunshine.
So if you are struggling to find some motivation to lose weight, look to your friends.
- Join Weight Watchers for the community and accountability.
- Start a blog to stay accountable to yourself, and to network with other people trying to lose weight
- Ask friends to workout with you!
- Join a Running Club! They are usually free and it’s also a good way to meet new friends.
- Ask family members to join you in healthy activities.
- Join a chat group online.
- Join SparkPeople.
- Make friends at your gym, or better yet, make friends with a Personal Trainer!
There are always ways to find a positive, healthy group for support. You just have to look for it.
I’m lucky. I have tons of friends who are supportive and active. My friend Robyn likes to work out with me. Michael encouraged me to try cycling and now I commute to work and I’m training to do 100 miles! I am lucky to have the support.
QUESTION: Tell me about the support you get from your village.
Awwww. I’m so proud and honored to call you my friend. Thanks for including me in this post.
Congratulations Jill! Sometimes I think mixing up your diet can help get rid of the last ten lbs. I’ve lost 20 with very little exercise so I’m not totally convinced that knock-yourself-out exercise is completely necessary for weight loss. Do I think it has a million advantages over not exercising? Yes! But not being able to exercise right now doesn’t have to mean you can’t lose weight.
I totally agree that the blog world has enhanced my life immeasurably. I am forever grateful!
Thx Lis!
Lisa Eirene
I’m glad to call you a friend! I hope the four of us can spend more time together with you guys living here.
And I agree–mixing things up often does wonders for the last few pounds. Like switching to weight lifting, trying a new exercise, going Carb-Free etc…
jill Mace
I agree about the knock yourself out exercise being necessary for weight loss too. 17 weeks ago I would not have been able to say that. I am a huge lover of exercise. Feb 3rd I had bunion surgery and then during my recovery from surgery got a stress fracture. So I have been in an air cast and using crutches for the past 3 months. I was petrified that I would gain a ton of weight back. My weight did start to creep up, but not because I wasn’t exercising. I was making bad food choices and my portions started getting bigger. Once I gained back control, the weight came right off.
Lisa Eirene
That’s good that you took control of it. I can relate…I’ve been in those air casts with crutches and it’s a hard thing to deal with!
Lisa Eirene
You could probably lift weights right? Last fall when I had to stop running I switched to weight lifting and it was actually a blessing in disguise! The weight lifting helped keep me sane while I couldn’t run, changed my body in surprising ways and helped me lose those “last few pounds.”
jill Mace
That is what I have been doing. Weights! My upper body is getting pretty toned. I just try not to look down at the other parts right now. At least I will have something to work on soon that is not related to the scale!
Lisa Eirene
Isn’t it nice to see those visible changes?
Amy Ramos
Thank you for this post. I need it.
Lisa Eirene
Glad to help, Amy!
I wasn’t active in the healthy living or fitblog community a couple years ago when I started WW. I occasionally perused the WW message boards, and they were helpful but I find I can relate more to the bloggers I’ve found lately. My village was more IRL than online and consisted of: parents, siblings (they’re little fitness buffs), BF (at the time), and online running group, and blog readers.
Lisa Eirene
That’s what my village was like–IRL people around me!
jill Mace
Thank you so much for including me in your post. What a surprise that was!!!!!
Lisa Eirene
The blogging community has been a wonderful support to me over the last few years. I love message boards (3 fat chicks), although I don’t participate in those as much as I used to.
I get just as much support in my continuing journey when I support others as when they support me.
Lisa Eirene
Isn’t it nice to be able to support other people? That’s my favorite part of having a blog.