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Losing Weight and Shopping

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Ivie

    That is a great idea. I am about ready for new pants, they stay up due to my hips, but look baggy, like I am hiding something in them! But I don’t know that I’d be able to find them at a second hand store yet, it would probably need to be a size 20 and you usually can’t find that size at the “Trendy” ones that are all over Seattle as well (red light, buffalo, etc). I usually go to Old Navy’s Sale Rack, because the clothes on sale are cheap and also pretty disposable – for me, means, lasts about a season anyways.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Those are good suggestions. Places like Ross, Marshall’s, TJMaxx, etc. are usually pretty cheap.

  2. Lindsay

    These are such great suggestions. I love reading about your journey. You are such an inspiration!

  3. Beth

    I have two ideas. First, save some money for every pound you lose, like $5 a pound. Then when you hit 10 pounds, you already have $50 aside. Even if its $1 or $2 per pound, every bit helps.

    Second, buy things that will last across sizes, like dresses. That is what has helped me not go into severe debt while losing!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Those are some really great tips, Beth! Wish I had thought of those years ago. πŸ™‚

  4. RunToTheFinish

    And swap with friends! Or ask who has clothes that don’t fit anymore!

    Beth has a super fun idea too. It is fun to shop for those new clothes and see your work pay off

  5. Kelly

    Such a great idea…ebay baby! My all time favorite jeans are from Ebay..$5.99!!

  6. lisaou11

    All awesome ideas. I had never really thought about this aspect of weight loss before–great to give people tips b/c the idea didnt even cross my mind.

  7. lindsay

    What a good post! I agree swapping with friends helps and its cheap too. Its amazing how clothes start to look so baggy just shows how all the hard work has paid off!!!!

  8. Slowly But Surely

    Thanks so much for the suggestion – I always forget about the fun thrift stores as a shopping option, and should totally check them out! I’ve been having some serious trouble with my wardrobe lately, yet stores just don’t have any cute styles that I’m inspired to buy right now in my new size.

    1. hundredtenpounds

      I strange phenomenon I realized was that after I lost all my weight, suddenly the new “style” in clothes was the Maternity look. Um, I didn’t work this hard to lose the weight to wear baggy clothes!

  9. Kellie

    I love thrift stores and consignment stores. We have tons here and I live in an affluent neighborhood (I am the poor girl in the group) so we always have great second hand stores.

  10. vengeanceandvanity

    Hold the phones; these are really good suggestions! I’ve been wondering how I’m going to manage it, since my pants are starting to slide off and I know I have a long way to go until I reach my target size!

    You might consider making a similar post as a sticky page up top–this is advice that a lot of people could use!

    1. hundredtenpounds

      Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve been meaning to put together a page of “Top Posts” but just haven’t yet. I will be sure to add this one. πŸ˜‰

  11. marzipan

    Love these shopping tips! I have such a hard time with losing/gaining weight and feel like i’m always keeping a closet full of three girl’s wardrobes – just in case. And the the (sometimes) inevitable regain where I find myself sadly trudging around in the old pants. Anywho. I’m so glad we’ve found each other and thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comment on my blog yesterday : )

  12. Jill

    I have no tips because I just had to buy new clothes because I’ve gained a lot of weight πŸ™ All my stuff is cute (to me!) though!

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